We have seen your website, we would like to know if it was possible to sell the currency of Dofus to people.
7#ringuet 2018-03-17 08:34:37
留言内容je vous envoie un message pour vous informer que ma commande sur virbank au nom de visa-(izy) n/est pas le bon speudo. mon pseudo et visa-(ily) merci beaucoup.
6#Marconnot 2018-03-03 17:08:01
I bought an account at Igvault, it was delivered to me
except today account banned for reason: boosted
A shipment from another account is possible? or refund?
Order No .: CFR1801228518034-0501
Igvault wants to know nothing
You sell boosted accounts that are automatically banished after by riot
What should I object to the payment for fraud? Even you refuse to answer