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  • EmploisPHP Development Engineer
  • Expérience0-3 ansLieuShanghaiNombre10
  • Temps2012-07-16LangueEnglaisDiplômeLicence


1. To be responsible for technical support MetInfo website management system.
2. Provide technical support for the personnel of the service
Job Requirements: 
  1. PHP can read and interested in PHPUnderstand the basic concept, object oriented and wrote some small program.
  2. 懂MySql数据库备份、恢复等基本操作,熟悉PHP环境的搭建和配置;
  3. javascript能看懂,了解jquery等js框架;
  4. html/css会写,懂linux的优先;
  5. 擅长网上查找资料解决问题;
  6. 有PHP作品(留言板,blog等)的优先;
  7. 做事要有耐心,性格谦和,学习能力强,能吃苦耐劳,愿意同公司共同发展。
如果你对我们的职位感兴趣,且符合我们的基本要求,请将个人简历投递至[email protected],或者直接与我们取得联系!

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